When Jesus is the host, no guest goes empty from the table. Our head is satisfied with the precious truth which Christ reveals; our heart is content with Jesus, as the altogether lovely object of affection; our hope is satisfied, for whom have we in heaven but Jesus? and our desire is satiated, for what can we wish for more than to “know Christ and be found in him?”  (Spurgeon)

Bread Of Life

In Your word a picture

Painted so clear

So vivid in my heart

To my soul so dear

From the darkness of night

To light brighter than day

You called to me

Said You were the Way

Dependent on You

 When lost I was led

When wrought with hunger

By You I was fed

 The lesson clear

Whether in confusion or strife

 Nothing sustains better than

The Bread of life.

Ruth 2:14 And at mealtime Boaz said to her, “Come here and eat some bread and dip your morsel in the wine.” So she sat beside the reapers, and he passed to her roasted grain. And she ate until she was satisfied, and she had so

– niz


Among the mountains and forests, and oceans, rivers and streams.

Among all the vastness of creation, God cares for you and I,

 individually and intimately 

Oh God, You who tell the mountains to move
On Your command it is so
You who call upon the winds
Tell them which way to go

You control the mighty oceans
They flow endlessly upon Your will
The birds in the air sing a worship song
You speak, at once they are still

Amazed to think a God so awesome and mighty
Who controls the stars, the moon and the sun
Would love and care for this lowly sinful life
Chosen before time had begun.


Eph 1:4-5 even as he chose us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and blameless before him. In love

5 he predestined us for adoption to himself as sons through Jesus Christ, according to the purpose of his will, 

– niz


We are nothing without Him.

Say it, sing it, write of it

Blank Page

I write my story

Filled with love and praise

To a God who fills my world

In so many different ways

I write of all His touch

Laid out in front of me

Though mere words fail to describe 

The wonders that I see

He has filled this world with beauty

From the beginning through every age

Thankful for all He gives to write of

Without Him, my life story, a blank page


John1:3-4 3 All things were made through him, and without him was not any thing made that was made. In him was life, and the life was the light of men.

– niz


Lovingly He calls out, to come, sit,   

rest and drink. 

Listen to Him


Tired, beaten and thirsty

Finding my refuge in sin

A continual struggle in battle

A war I could not win

But God, who knew and loved me

Reached out as I was about to quit

Showered me in grace and mercy

Brought me to a place to drink and sit

It was beside still waters, He led me

Fed me His word to which I cling

Free because of His loving sacrifice 

I drink living water, from an eternal spring.


John 4:14 but whoever drinks of the water that I will give him will never be thirsty again. The water that I will give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life.” 

– niz

End Of Darkness

Cold lonely darkness behind you, 

the radiance of a sun rise now, 

engulfs you


Not so long ago in life

I constantly tossed and turned

In my sin I looked to rest

By my conviction always spurned

With Grace He reached out to me

I repented and confessed my sin

I felt the comfort of His arms

I was free, my rest in Him could now begin

With the dawn of my new life

The end of the darkness like night

My heart filled with the radiance of a sunrise

Illuminated by His glorious Light.


 John 8:12 Again  Jesus spoke to them, saying, 

“I am the light of the world. 

Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, 

but will have the light of life.”                                        

– niz